Silver Beauty Real Estate

Case Study

Silver beauty

Silver Beauty Reduces Lighting-Related Energy Use by 95%

“Not only is our primary tenant, Graham Packaging, getting the full benefit of our lighting investment through dramatically lower utility bills, but they are also getting much higher quality lighting that  can  be  tailored  to  meet  their  specific  operational  needs”

— Gary Raymond, Managing Partner

Project Overview and Benefits

Chicago-Area Warehouse Management Company Reduces Per Square Foot Lighting Costs to 3.9¢, Saving More Than 1,237,626 kWh AnnuallyWhile state-of-the-art at the time of installation, significant changes in lighting technology—particularly in the areas of energy efficiency and light output—suggested that Warehouse # 5’s challenges were solvable. Working with their energy efficiency consultant, Green Light National, Silver Beauty Real Estate began a comprehensive review of its options, involving more than 30 LED fixture manufacturers, an equal number of fluorescent alternatives, and a thorough review of new fluorescent induction technologies. Leaving no stone left unturned, the Silver Beauty management team selected the Intelligent LED Lighting System from Digital Lumens.