Clean Lighting Solutions
Ultra Violet &  Non-UV Disinfectant
UV Lighting
Learn the science behind why Ultraviolet Light Technology is a core component in clean lighting solutions.
Which Wavelength of UV Light Deactivates viruses?
Ultraviolet (UV) light is invisible to the human eye and split into three different wavelengths. The letter at the end of the UV designation A, B or C, indicates the light’s wavelength — an important distinction.
- UV-A from 315 nm to 400 nm
- UV-B from, 280 nm to 315 nm
- UV-C from, 200 nm to 280 nm (Strongest Germicidal Wavelengths)
What Is Ultraviolet Light Technology?
The wavelength UV-C shows the ability to deactivate the DNA of viruses, bacteria & fungi, eliminating their ability to spread disease. For the past 40 years, UV-C light has been used to disinfect water, air, and surfaces to mitigate the spread of infection. However, because UV-C light can be harmful to human tissue, new UV technology has been developed that is safe for humans yet deadly for viruses. FAR-UV-C light operates at the frequency of 222 nanometers and kills airborne flu viruses without harming human tissues.*(add sources)
Product Examples
NON-UV Lighting Technology
Germicidal or Anti-Microbial Lighting
On the other end of the light spectrum, there is NON-UV Germicidal Technology or Anti-Microbial Lighting which does not kill viruses. This type of lighting proves to actually kill bacteria and can run 24/7 with no harm to human tissue, permitting safe sterilization while humans are present.
Product Example: NON-UV Light Fixture Unit
The LED Germicidal Air Chamber utilizes anti-viral and anti-bacterial lighting technology. It contains high-performance LEDs from IllumiPure which are near-UV and part of the normal visible LED spectrum. This technology is completely harmless to humans and animals. Fans circulate air into a chamber in the back of the luminaire, so you can safely work while the downlight cleanses the room!
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